First show aired on Lok Sabha TV today (Sunday, 10pm). Next to be telecasted on this Wednesday 8pm.
This was my first ever visit to the Parliament of India. Thanks to the Lok Sabha TV for having us and, thanks to my college for this opportunity.
Parliament is indeed majestic, magnificent and charismatic. The hallways, the corridors, the balconies, the libraries, the Canteen! (yeah we had our lunch at probably the cheapest canteen of India. )
The architecture is mesmerising, and puzzling. You keep walking towards an end of a corridor just to find an identical corridor. Dare not take spin else you’ll be lost I like was. The gardens are beautiful and you can also watch some peacocks playing around. The MESEUM needs special mention.
Unfortunately, phones and cameras were not allowed which is why I don’t have digital memory but, the memories and the moments still captured within.
A still from today’s show on Lok Sabha TV |
You have described the building only. What about the working?