हम फूल कहें तो प्यार समझ लेना, इंक़लाब कहें तो बिहार समझ लेना | बिहार एक क्रांति है। आज से नहीं सदियों से। लेकिन आज-कल ये क्रांति बहुत फीकी पड़ चुकी है। ना जाने हम किस ‘आज’ की होड़ में घुसे चले जा रहे की अपना कल मिटाते चले जा रहे। हाँ, थी ज़रूरत बिजली…
Category: Analysis, Opinion & Thought Cloud
Everything I write other than travel, food, films & magic.
I Think I’ll Do Some Magic | Turning 21
This blogpost was supposed to be posted on my birthday, 24th June. I was travelling in a no-network zone, so I failed to do so. Post my journey a series of engaging incidents kept me busy and yet again I failed to post it until now. A succession of occurrences have happened so far. First…
तो हर्ज़ क्या है? | Poetry
यदि facebook पे ‘Homesick’ स्टैटस डालने मात्र से मन को थोड़ी सी भी शांति मिलती है तो हर्ज़ क्या है? ग़र Insta पे फ़ोटो डालके #Throwback लिखने पर दिल से बुदबुदाहट आती हो तो हर्ज़ क्या है? यदि Snapchat के story में हो ‘missing home’ और आँखों में आँसू की जगह चेहरे पे मुस्कुराहट ही…
Does it ever happen? When you’re surrounded by tons of people and friends who’re partying around and you’re a part of the party too. Do you also feel lonely in the crowd of familiar faces and figures? Dancing on tunes you like or might not like. Grooving with someone you’ve had crush on or maybe…
आज बारिश में भीगने को मिला।Poetry
महीनों बाद घर आया हूँ माँ ने है मटन बनाया बादल गुर्राए और आज बारिश में भीगने को मिला | कपड़े गंदे होने का डर नही है माँ जो है घर पर डर अगर है तो माँ से डांट का लेकिन उससे क्या होगा? बचपन जीने का एक बहाना मिल जाएगा माँ भी है बड़ी…
Kya Kiya Jaye? | Documentary |
Kya Kiya Jaye ? | क्या किया जाये ? Documentary on Sewer conditions of Balda Colony (Lucknow) A documentary on the prolonged case of sewer blockage and drainage in Balda Colony of Lucknow. Roop Kishore Raizada, resident of Balda Colony and a victim himself, narrates the damage and difficulties in the daily lives of the…
A Sad Day (RIP to the Souls Departed)
It’s such a depressing day. News of the sad demise of so many people related to me or to people I am related to, just shook me. “Today is a good day and I tell this to myself everyday.” I work on this formula and every morning I start with a happy note. But today,…
Top 10 Things To Do in Patna | Beginner’s Guide
Patna is not a vast city in comparison to the metro cities and many other popular cities. But it doesn’t make it less interesting. If you’re on a tight schedule or on a short business/leisure trip, here are few places in the town that you should visit and experience the city’s life and soul. There…
The Superhero Within
It feels good when you save the world. Planted several trees in my locality and near by areas on my birthday. I hope more and more people would join the superhero squad and plague this motion. Because, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” You can also do it without bragging about…
My Radio Connection
The best thing about Radio is that, आप बातें एक साथ हज़ारों से करते हैं, और सुनने वाले को लगता है कि सिर्फ़ उनसे ही बातें हो रहीं हो | © Kshitij Choudhary Isn’t it amazing? Well, I think it’s magical. Probably one of the reasons why often people get so attached to radio or…